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How can a child develop a asthma? If you have an Asthma in your childhood years, is is possible to carry it in later life? Is one of your family members has asthma? What are the possible prevention and help you can offer to him?

Many parents, especially those who are first times, tend to have an asthmatic child. This is due to lack of knowledge in the proper handling of their child, during its early years. In many children with asthma, symptoms will disappear during their teenage years, although attacks may recur later in life.
Asthma in children is a common and serious condition that can affect their capacity to exercise and participate in sports and hurt their self-image as well.
It’s also possible to develop asthma later in life. Allergic asthma, triggered by an allergen such as pollen or dust mites, usually develops before age 40. Regardless of the sufferer’s ago or whether the condition is severe or mild, asthma should always be treated by your doctor. The sign of an asthma attack are tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing, usually accompanied by wheezing and coughing .In response to various triggers, the lungs of people with asthma become swollen and inflamed. The airways in the lungs narrow and fill with mucus, impending the normal flow of air onto and out of the lungs. Asthma attacks may last few minutes or hours. Their severity varies considerably from mild to life-threatening.
Asthma attacks are triggered with a variety of prescription drugs, taken by mouth or inhaled though a plastic inhaler. One type of asthma drug, the bronchodilators, relaxes and opens the airways. Parents of a child suffering from an acute attack of asthma may take some comfort in the knowledge that even though such an attack is terrifying, persons seldom die as a direct result, unless an overdose of sedatives are given. When attacks are often repeat, time after time the person’s general health declines, possibly with permanent damage to lung tissues.
For immediate treatments, first try giving the person a hot drink of milk, or pain hot water. This may relax the tissues in the air passages.  A steam inhalation accompanied by a hot foot bath may bring relief. If no mechanical vaporizer is available, treatment may be given by conducting steam form a pan of boiling water through a paper cone to the area of the person’s face or the sensitive membranes of the organs of breathing an to ensure a supply of fresh air.   If theses remedies do not relieve the attack then it’s time to go the doctor.
If use an inhaler to combat your asthma attacks, be sure you use it correctly, follow both your doctor’s and manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t overuse or underuse the medication. And pay attention to the expiration date on the inhaler.
Even there is no cure for asthma, attacks can sometimes be prevented. If you are asthmatic, try to avoid, or at least reduce your exposure to, any asthma triggers that you are sensitive to. You can be tested if what allergens triggers your attack. Remember, that aspirin is a trigger for some sufferers.
The following are the most common asthma triggers: Allergens, including pollen, ragweed, grass, dust, mold, animal dander; Respiratory infections, including colds, sinus infections, bronchitis; Running, bicycling, and other exercise, especially in cold weather;Psychological factors, stress, anxiety, tension and anger;   Irritants such as tobacco smoke, perfume, deodorant, cleaning substances, paints, varnishes  and chalk dust; Foods containing sulfites, wheat milk, nuts, food dyes; Weather conditions, cold or polluted air, strong winds, or rapid changes in temperature and humidity; Physical conditions, including pregnancy , gastro esophageal reflux, and as overactive thyroid; Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal  anti-inflammatory drugs, including those in cold medications;Occupational factors, exposure to certain industrial vapors, dusts, gases, or fumes.
Immunotherapy, or desensitization with allergy shots, can also help prevent asthma attacks in some people. Injections of an allergen are given in gradually increasing amounts in order to slowly build up the body’s tolerance to the offending substance.
For future Filipino parents and first time parents, you should consult a doctor or your parents to guide you in the proper handling of your children to avoid them from having asthma.

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