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Have you seen you friends status lately? What is all about? Where did they go? What did they eat? Have you gone to that place?

Recent studies shows that Facebook can really affect the outlook of its users towards how to live life, which may develop into self pressure and could result to stress. For example, when you see you friend recently purchased new cellphone and posted it on Facebook tends to create a self pressure that might ask yourself this questions, “When can I get this smart phone? Can I afford yo buy this new model? What will my friends think if I don’t have one? Should I work hard? Should I stay with this old model?”. Maybe not all experiences this, but one way or another develops this kind of pressure towards different aspects in life. It could me housing, gadgets, kids, new friends, new work, new place, new clubs, new hangouts. I may say that I depends on the person, and how he may cope up to this. If not, he will be trapped in the circle of pressures that comes from all direction.
Now, ask yourself. Does Facebook, really helps in creating a better mind set towards your future or tends to diver you attention in unimportant things.

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